How to bathe a dog at home?

Keeping pet dogs should be the choice of many pet lovers, but dogs do not have sweat glands. So there is a lot of sweat and dirt, so more thought will be spent on bathing dogs, so how to bathe a dog at home?

Of course, if you have some financial strength, you can take your dog to a pet shop to take a bath. But this also loses a moment to deepen your communication with your dog.

So why not try giving your dog a bath at home? Of course, there are many things that need to pay attention to when bathing a dog by yourself. Next, I will share with you some correct methods and precautions for bathing a dog.

How to bathe a dog at home? Before Bathing a dog at home you need to prepare something:

1. Good hygroscopicity towels

After bathing the dog, if you don’t use a towel with better hygroscopicity to dry the dog’s fur, the dog will drip water all over the house.

2. Brush/Comb

Before the dog takes a bath, use a degao pet brush/comb to remove the excess hair on the dog, and you can also comb the knotted areas to prevent the dog’s hair from being cleaned thoroughly during the bath. This is very necessary!

3. Shampoo and Conditioner

Human and dog skin is different, so prepare dog shampoo, not human shampoo. But if you use shampoo alone, the hair will dry, so it is best to use conditioner for dogs!

4. Pet Hair dryer/ Dog Grooming Blower

If the dog’s body is wet, if it is not dried in time, bacteria will multiply and form a bad smell. Note that because many dogs are startled by the sound of a hair dryer, it is better to choose a degao pet hair dryer with a quieter sound.

After talking about the things to prepare before bathing the dog, let’s talk about the order of bathing the dog

Steps to how to bathe your dog

1. Comb the dog before bathing it

Before wetting your dog’s body, remove excess hair and comb the tangles, so that it will be easier to clean up when shampooing.

2. Shower temperature

The ideal shower temperature is 36-38 degrees. A high shower temperature will irritate the skin and cause dryness. In addition, if the shower temperature is high for dogs without sweat glands, the body temperature cannot adjust, and it is likely to suffer from heat stroke.

3. Shower method

To not scare the dog, start the shower from the hind legs and buttocks, and the shower head should be close to the dog’s hair, which can reduce the sound and irritation, and then slowly shower from the back, chest, front feet, and other places.

4. Squeeze out the anal glands before cleaning

The anal glands are where dogs smell the most. The operation method is to lift the dog’s tail first, and then grasp the anal glands at the four o’clock and eight o’clock positions of the anus from both sides and the secretion will squeak out after a little shrinkage. Rinse immediately after squeezing out to avoid getting on the hair. If you can’t operate it, don’t force it, go to the pet hospital and ask someone to handle it!

How dog’s Clean sequence:

First, wash the limbs, then wash the whole body in this order from the buttocks, inner side, back, and chest, and finally wash the face.

How to bathe your dog at home:

The feet get dirty easily, toes should be washed clean. Meat pads are easy to deposit dirt on and should wash clean.

Dirt is easy to get around and inside the buttocks, so use shampoo to lather well, then wash gently and carefully, and then wash the chest and back.

When many people bathe their dogs, they like to squeeze the shampoo directly onto the dog’s hair, or on their hands, and then scratch the dog’s hair with their fingers. It is easy to scratch the dog’s skin, and the cleaning effect is not good.

The correct method is to fully foam the shampoo first, and then massage it with the pulp of your fingers to clean it.

Finally, wash the dog’s face. Be careful not to wash the dog’s face directly with water, so that the shampoo will get into the eyes and ears.

After washing, wash off the foam on your body. The order of washing should reverse to that of using shampoo, from head to tail, from top to bottom.

Pet hair dryer drying hair

First, wipe the dog’s hair with degao pet towel with good water absorption, and then dry the hair with a hair dryer. When using a hair dryer, the sound of the hair dryer will scare the dog. So it is best to let the dog get used to the sound of the hair dryer in advance.

When using the hair dryer, don’t get too close. If you get too close, the dog will scald by the hot air. Adjust to a temperature suitable for your dog. You can use a brush or comb to stand up the hair and blow it. So that it is easy to dry to the root, and it can also shorten the drying time.

Dog owners have learned how to bathe their dogs correctly. Bathing their dogs will make them fall in love with bathing, and it will also increase mutual affection.

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