How to choose a dog leash?

The dog’s leash is the dog’s life rope. How to choose a dog leash? When walking the dog on a leash in public places, can not only prevent the dog from running around, scare the elderly and children, and other vulnerable groups, and affect others, but also reduce the possibility of the dog swallowing foreign objects. Reduce the probability of dog accidents, but also effectively prevent the loss of dogs.

There are many kinds of leashes for dogs, how to choose a dog leash?

Let’s talk about the types and materials of dog leash

First: Types of dog leash

1. Chest dog leash

The design of the chest-back dog leash is more humane. Which avoids the trouble of the dog withdrawing from the collar. Its harness design also makes it easier for the owner to keep the dog under control.

2. P chain

There are different thicknesses of P chains. You can choose a suitable one to wear according to the dog’s body shape. When using P-shaped chains, the most important thing is to wear them correctly. If the person is on the right and the dog is on the left when wearing the chain for the dog, be sure to put the chain in the shape of a “p”; The direction is right. If the P chain is worn in the wrong direction, if the owner pulls it, the dog’s neck may be tied to death, and improper use may even cause the dog’s trachea to be injured. In addition to paying attention to the direction of the chain when using a P-shaped chain, you must always pay attention to the lubrication of the chain, otherwise, it is easy to hurt the dog.

3. Retractable dog leash

The retractable dog leash is actually a combination of a dog collar and a P-shaped chain. Control strength and comfort are also somewhere in between. The retractable leash can also use for large, medium, and small dogs. The handle is ergonomic, and the control button of the leash handle determines the function of putting a long line and automatically retracting the rope. The general retractable leash is made of strong nylon rope, which is thin and resistant to pulling, and the quality of the retractable leash is also the key. The focus of purchase is based on the extension length you need and the weight of the dog breed you can bear.

Note: Use the lock button of the handle at all times to ensure that the length of the retractable leash is appropriate. The surrounding situation is complicated, you must adjust to the appropriate length and lock it in time!

When we decide to choose which type of dog leash, we need to focus on the material of the dog leash in order to choose the most suitable leash for our dog.

Second: The material of the rope

1. Nylon

[Advantages] The price is cheap and durable, and because it is made of man-made fibers. It has a lot of colors and patterns. It is most suitable for fashionable people who control appearance and dog owners who pursue individuality. Dog owners who like to clean and tidy are also very suitable to use nylon traction. Because it does not shrink after washing. And it does not need to take care of after washing when it is dirty.

[Disadvantage] It is not bite-resistant, and if there is no additional protective cover, the rough fiber of nylon will become a “hand-holding artifact” in dry winter. So be sure to wear gloves when using ordinary nylon traction ropes in winter!

2. Leather

[Advantages] Good-looking, very durable, and high-quality leather traction can definitely use for a long time. And the leather rope will become more comfortable as you use it, because the extensibility of the leather will make it more and more suitable for your hand shape, and the surface will become smoother and softer as you use it.

[Disadvantages] Expensive, not waterproof, leather needs regular maintenance.

3. Metal

[Advantages] It is durable and super resistant to manufacturing. Best for the rope-removing expert who likes to bite the leash for nothing.

[Disadvantage] It is heavy in weight, and some dogs will chew on the chain constantly, which may hurt the dog’s teeth.

The dog’s leash seems to be a simple necessity, but how to choose a dog’s leash is a compulsory course for every dog owner. Once the wrong choice is made, it will cause the dog discomfort at least, and it will cause irreversible damage to the dog. Injury or even death, the dog may not be the only one for us, but we are the only one for the dog, so we must pay more attention to the quality of the dog’s leash when choosing the dog leash.

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