How to Choose the Right Dog Crate?

First-time dog owners seem to be more inclined to buy a soft dog bed for their pooch than a crate. It may be that I have seen too much negative news and feel that dogs are very painful if they stay in a crate! Raising a dog requires giving the dog freedom, but in fact, a soft Degao dog bed and a Degao dog crate are not contradictory, and can even be a perfect combination, so How to Choose the Right Dog Crate?

In fact, this is not the case. Human beings must have their own private space, and dogs also need it. Before dogs were domesticated, the habits of dogs have not changed. When they want to rest and feed the next generation, they will find a cave, which is safer. So it is very necessary to Choose the Right Dog Crate.

Having a crate for your dog to sleep and rest at home will give him a lot of peace of mind. As long as you guard the crate, you don’t have to worry about guarding the whole house and causing anxiety, barking non-stop when someone walks by. But what kind of crate is suitable for dogs? Are bigger dogs more comfortable? In fact, this is not the crate. The size of the crate is just right to give the dog a sense of security.

How do we choose the right dog crate?

First: Choose dog crate for dog size

1. Dog crate length standard

There is a saying that you should choose a crate that is three times the size of the dog, and others say that it is just wide enough for the dog to turn around. Degao thinks it is more appropriate to choose a crate 4 inches more than the length and height of the dog.

2. How long do you intend to use it?

Before you buy a dog crate, you need to know how long the dog crate you buy is intended to be used for. For short-term use, you don’t care about quality problems. If you use it for a long time, you need to consider whether the crate is durable. Dogs are naturally active. The destructive power of dogs cannot be underestimated.

3. Consider the growth of puppies

When you are going to buy a dog crate for your dog, your dog is in the puppies period, then you have to consider its growth, so the crate must purchase according to your dog’s adult body shape. Otherwise, it is necessary to frequently replace the dog crate and waste it.

Second: Choose the dog crate according to the material

1. The basic material of the dog crate

When choosing a dog crate, the first thing to pay attention to is its material problem. Generally speaking, it is mainly composed of four materials, the first is plastic. The second is iron wire, and the third is the square pipe. The fourth is stainless steel.

2. Pros and cons of plastic dog crates

Plastic and wire materials are generally only suitable for small dogs or small pets. The characteristic of this kind of dog crate is that it is relatively small in size, easy to carry, and relatively convenient to clean. However, the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, they are not very strong, cannot withstand tossing, and are easily damaged and scrapped for replacement.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of iron wire welding dog crate

Medium-sized dog crates are generally welded by iron wires. Compared with plastic crates, these kinds of crates are stronger, generally foldable, and more convenient to carry, but it is easy to appear after a long time. In the case of damage, choose a dog crate welded with iron wire. You need to choose a dog crate welded with iron wire of appropriate thickness according to the size of the dog and its ability to move. Otherwise, the dog crate made of thin iron wire is for large dogs. It is like making a bird crate with spider silk, vulnerable.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of stainless steel

Dog crates made of square tubes or stainless steel square tubes are the most durable, and suitable for larger dogs, and they can also withstand violence. The disadvantage is that it is not very convenient to carry, and the cleaning is not as convenient as other crates.

5. Air box dog crate

If you’re planning to fly with your dog anytime soon, it’s a good idea to consider purchasing an airline-standard flight case. Although each airline has somewhat different standards for flight boxes, it is generally not too large. When purchasing, it is best to ensure that the flight case you buy meets the standard of the airline you often fly.

Dog crates for daily household use are available in plastic, iron, stainless steel, and airboxes. Degao Household prefers to use flight boxes, because the air box for dogs is better sealed, and dogs feel more secure inside.

6. Dog crate structure design

There are not many forms of dog crates, and most of them are relatively reasonable. There is a dog crate pan below, which can facilitate the cleaning of the dog’s toilet. It can be taken out and cleaned because the dog’s stool will stick to it, and it will be too troublesome if it cannot take out.

7. Maintenance and cleaning in the future

It is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance of the dog crate after purchase. The dog crate made of plastic and iron wire needs to avoid exposure to the sun. The dog crate made of iron wire must clean in time after cleaning with clean water, otherwise, it will become rusty after rusting. It will affect the service life, and may also affect the dog’s health due to rust.

What kind of crate is better to use?

There is no best crate to use, only the right crate.

If you often take your dog out, a crate that can easily disassemble is more suitable. It can disassemble when placed in the car and does not take up much space. Many plastic crates cannot be disassembled.

Third: What if the dog doesn’t like the dog crate?

1. Put the dog’s cushions, toys, snack, etc. in the crate, so that it feels that it is a place where it can rest comfortably;

2. Feed in the crate every day, so that the dog feels that a crate is a good place

3. If the dog needs to keep in a crate, it should not exceed 4 hours at most, they will feel disgusted by the crate. Especially for some puppies, it is easy to be unable to hold back and urinate indiscriminately in it.

4. Don’t use the crate as a tool to punish the dog!

Fourth: Matters needing attention in the use of dog crates

1. The location of the dog crate

The dog crate is a place for the dog to rest. Don’t put it where the family walks. Teach the children not to disturb the dog in the crate when the dog enters the crate.

2. Dog crate training

Never let the dog out of the crate when it is yelling or scratching the door. The dog will think that this way of complaining will bring him freedom. Only open the door and let it out when it is quiet or calm. But the premise is that you need to confirm that the dog is scratching and shouting at the door instead of crying and scratching the door caused by physical discomfort. If it is unwell, let the dog out immediately and contact the veterinarian immediately.

3. Do not punish with a dog crate

Don’t use the crate to punish it. If you put it in the crate when the dog makes some mistakes. It will think of the crate as a bad place.

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