What does dog hair do?

What does dog hair do? The dog’s own hair has great functions and benefits, and it can protect the dog, but some pet owners shave the dog’s hair completely because of the hot weather and to help the dog to dissipate heat. Dangerous to dogs. Let’s take a look at What does dog hair do.

1. Prevent sunburn

The weather is hot and the ultraviolet rays are strong, but the dog’s hair can block the ultraviolet rays to a certain extent, which can play the role of sunscreen and prevent the dog’s skin from being sunburned. If your dog’s hair is completely shaved, your dog’s skin can easily get sunburned, which can lead to skin cancer.

2. Prevent bacterial infection

Moreover, the dog’s hair also has the effect of preventing direct bacterial infection. There are so many bacteria in the outside world. The thick hair of the dog can avoid direct contact between the bacteria and the dog’s skin, resulting in infection. So if you shave all the hair, you can imagine The result is just a bacterial infection.

3. Block allergens

When dogs go out, they will inevitably encounter some substances that they are allergic to, so as to prevent dogs from skin allergies due to pollen and dust mites. Many people think that shaving can help treat skin diseases. This concept is wrong, not because of shaving. You can avoid the humidity to breed bacteria, but shaving makes it easier to apply the medicine to the affected area, making it easier for the skin to absorb the medicine.

4. Isolate the outside temperature

Dog hair actually has the effect of insulating the outside temperature to a certain extent and maintaining its own temperature. Therefore, unshaved dogs are not as hot as you feel. On the contrary, unshaved dogs enjoy the shade in a cool air-conditioned room, and lie on the ground and sleep less likely to catch a cold.

5. Waterproof

Some dog’s hair is also waterproof, and it can quickly return to its original state when it encounters water, and there is a waterproof layer on the outside, which can prevent the dog from soaking the hair when swimming, and can help the dog. The temperature is maintained, so no matter how cold the water is, it can adapt.

Hair itself does not have the ability to actively dissipate heat, but trimming the hair does reduce the body surface temperature faster. However, shaving the dog must do in moderation. Pay attention to the length of the trimmed hair. It is not recommend to trim the hair on the back, because the dog’s back is an area expose to direct ultraviolet rays and must not be shave.

There are also some pet owners who simply shave their dogs because of serious hair loss. In fact, dogs do not have to be shave when they lose hair. , It is recommend to choose a low-salt and low-oil dog food as the main food, usually feed more vegetables and fruits, and supplement vitamins, which can not only effectively relieve hair loss, but also make hair beautiful.

You should also spend more time with the dog to prevent the dog from being depress. You can play interactive games, or training games, etc., which can enhance the relationship between you.

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