Why do cats keep meowing at people?

Why do cats keep meowing at people all the time? Do you find that the cats at home meow very strangely? Sometimes it is very long. Sometimes it is short, and sometimes it doesn’t even sound like a cat. But it seems to be meowing talking to you? Then why do cats keep meowing at people?

According to the research of cat lover experts. It turns out that each cat has created a unique language for communicating with cat owners. This language is completely different from their communication with the same kind, and only cat owners can understand it. The cat is really worried about the owner, and even wants to customize the language for the owner! Haha…

In fact, cat owners know that cats don’t bark most of the time, and usually bark non-stop when they have special needs. This kind of demand may be hungry, it may be that the litter box is not clean. It may be coquettish begging for petting.

Cats have the habit of meowing to express their needs from birth. When cats are about a week old, they know that “meowing” is the best way to attract the attention of cat mothers. In order to get the care of cat mothers, The kitten will keep “meowing”.

But as the cats grew up, the mother cats began to ask the kittens to be independent, and they would never respond to the kitten’s meowing, so the method of “meowing” was not easy to use when they were young, and they also gave up. “Meow meow” call.

And for cats who have been getting along with humans all the time. They observe that our human communication is a natural way of talking, and they think that if they want to communicate with us, they must make some sounds, and when they keep “meowing” Almost every time we meow, we respond.

As a result, the skills from childhood were used again, and the cat discover that communication with the owner could also be done with “meow”.

Can it be understood that cats actually trust their owners very much, just like mother cats, they believe that you will always be by their side, and will respond when you call, this kind of trust will also make them like a mother who loves it Love cat owners too!

In a previous study, the researchers separated a cat from its owner for 2 years and then sent it back to the owner. When the cat was return, the owner stood in a place where the cat could not see and only made the sound of calling the cat. The cat could accurately distinguish the voice from the owner and responded quickly. Isn’t it amazing that the cat secretly remembers the owner’s voice?

Can we imagine that if the cat secretly remembers the owner’s reaction to the sound every day, then compares and experiments with the “meow” sound it makes, and finally discovers the sound characteristics that can interact with the owner? Then you can communicate with the owner smoothly.

In their view, their “meow meow” probably has the same meaning as the language we humans speak. But many times it seems that we don’t understand it. If you understand it this way, it’s not surprising why cats often look at us with a “special” look. Maybe they are thinking, “I’ve said it so clearly, how can this person still not understand! Or should I say “meow” again? “Do you understand after one time? My heart is so tired. ” Meow “..~”

Do you feel a little flattered when you know that the cat is sending out a second language in order to communicate with the owner? Its “meow~” is always talking to you, and every time your response is to give it a sense of security.

Do you feel the cat is cool and doesn’t love you? It will hold its little paws in front of you, occasionally come to you to rub against you, and “meow” to you from time to time, which is the biggest gift it can give you. trust.

Thinking of the meowing of the cat every day when I get home, do I suddenly feel sweet and happy? It turns out that every “meow~” is a little secret belonging to the owner and the cat.

Make a question, do you talk to your cat?

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