Why do cats like to sleep in the litter box?

Families with kittens at home, have you found that cats sometimes sleep in the litter box? Sometimes not only sleep in the litter box but sometimes play happily in it, don’t you find it strange? Isn’t a cat the cleanest animal? Why did you use the shit basin as a bed? So Why do cats like to sleep in the litter box?

We all know that cats have a strong sense of territory. So let’s analyze whether my operations have affected the cat’s normal living habits and brought it a sense of insecurity when we are raising cats.

First of all, we need to confirm whether there is any problem with the cat’s health. If there is a physical problem that causes the cat to sleep in the litter box. Please send it to a pet hospital or contact a veterinarian for a health checkup immediately.

If the cat’s health is fine, then the problem can focus on the cat litter and the cat litter box.

1. Whether the cat litter has replace, whether it is replace all at once or in batches. Due to the cat’s territorial awareness, after the cat litter is replace, the original cat’s smell is completely lose. Causing the cat to re-occupy the territory and swear territorial sovereignty, including the bathroom.
2. The cat litter was not replaced, but the litter box was replaced. It may be that the cat’s curiosity made the cat play with the litter box as a new toy or sleep on it as a new cat bed. There is not much space in a cat litter box, which makes cats feel more secure when changing.

But if the cat litter is not replaced and the litter box is not replaced, then the cat still likes to sleep in the litter box. What is the reason?

If the cat litter and litter box are not replaced, there may be the following reasons:

1 Changes in the living environment of cats

When cats follow their owners to work and live in different places, they are not familiar with the surrounding things.

The smell of an unfamiliar environment makes cats feel scared. But the litter box has a familiar smell, and they feel that the litter box with a familiar smell is the safest place, so they choose to sleep in the litter box.

2 multi-cat households

Cats are very territorial. But pet owners are lazy and tired and don’t want to get multiple cat litter boxes. Only one litter box is prepared for cats, which will cause cats to queue up to go to the toilet. Individual cats or cats with high status in the family want to monopolize the cat litter box, it will act like sleeping in the litter box to show that the litter box is it’s own.

3 Urinary Tract Infection in Cats

Urinary tract infection in cats requires the careful observation of the owner to see the habit and frequency of cats going to the toilet. If the cat urinates very short period of time, then the cat has frequent urination, and the cat may have a urinary tract infection. For infection, you need to take the cat to the pet hospital for examination as soon as possible.

4 didn’t know it was a litter box

I don’t know that this kind of situation in the litter box is likely to appear in kittens. Because they are not the place for them to go to the bathroom. They think it is their secret entertainment, play and sleep in it.  The owner can use some tools or materials to let the cat know that it is a litter box, is it for going to the bathroom? a place to play and sleep

When cats behave strangely, there must be a reason.

The owner should pay attention, maybe those abnormalities are the signal that the cat asks you for help!

Some owners failed to detect the cat’s abnormal behavior in time due to life pressure and other reasons and only reacted when the cat became seriously ill. Not only did it delay the cat’s condition, but it also kept the cat immersed in pain.

Therefore, in the process of raising cats. We must pay more attention to details and observe the living habits of cats in order to find and solve problems early.

The cat may not be the only one for us, but you are the only one for the cat. Please treat our cat well and care more about our cat. If you hear a “meow” when you go home and enter the house, all the troubles in life will be gone.

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