Why Do Dogs Shed Hair?

Raising a dog is a happy thing. Dogs can bring a lot of joy and comfort to their owners, but dog hair loss is also a headache for dog owners. Why do dogs Shed Hair?

For some dogs who love to shed hair, frequent hair loss is commonplace, not to mention that the sofa and the floor at home are cover with dog hair, even the dog hair in the food is not surprising. I am ashamed to go out and say that I am a dog owner without sticky hair on my body.

Degao Pet Supplies analyzes several common reasons why dogs shed hair, and teaches you how to improve the problem of dogs losing hair.

1. Why do dogs Shed Hair? Seasonal Shed Hair

Hair loss is a normal phenomenon. But dogs will have a hair molt period in spring and autumn and will replace it with new hair to cope with different climates. In spring, it is replace with coarse hair with better air permeability, which is convenient for the dog’s body to dissipate heat. In autumn, it is replace with fluff, which is convenient for keeping warm.


It is recommended that the dog owner comb the dog regularly. Which can promote the metabolism of the hair and is beneficial to the health of the hair. It is recommended to use a special detangling comb for dogs, which can effectively remove the necrotic hair of dogs.
Combing the dog can enhance the relationship with the dog, and the dog will also enjoy it. Regularly combing your dog’s necrotic hair can also avoid a lot of hair loss during the molting season.


2. Why do dogs Shed Hair? Abnormal endocrine losing hair

The hair growth of dogs is controlled by the endocrine and nervous systems in the body. But dogs will have adverse effects on the hair due to some diseases, psychological pressure, long-term anxiety, and fear, such as gray hair, hair stops growing, malnutrition and hair loss, etc.

Countermeasures for Dogs Shed Hair :

Keep the dog’s diet normal, work and rest regularly, create a relaxed and happy environment for the dog, and do not put pressure and negative emotions on the dog.


3. Drug effect hair loss

There are no medicines, and there will be some side effects, so there will be instructions on pet medicines that should not be used. For example, the use of steroid drugs can cause hair loss in dogs. Many common anti-dermatitis and anti-allergic skin medications contain steroid ingredients.


Use steroids in an appropriate amount, do not apply large doses of steroids for external use, or gradually reduce the number of steroids used. It is recommend that if the dog has health problems, it is best to send the dog to a pet hospital. Where a professional veterinarian will judge and give the dog medicine under the guidance of the veterinarian.

4. Skin diseases

When dogs have skin diseases, they often also lose hair in large areas, such as dermatitis, skin allergies, bacterial and fungal infections, acarid skin, etc. Many skin diseases will aggravate hair loss in dogs.


Do good dog hygiene at ordinary times, keep the dog dry and clean, and the kennel and other supplies need to be regularly disinfected and removed.


5. Parasites cause Shed Hair

Parasites are also one of the causes of severe hair loss in dogs. It will bite the dog’s skin and damage the health of the dog’s hair follicles. At the same time, they will also absorb nutrients from the dog’s body. Resulting in further hair loss due to a lack of nutrient energy…


Deworm the dog regularly, and don’t let the dog frequently play and roll in the grass.


6. Malnutrition and hair loss

Dogs’ hair growth, flexibility, and luster all require the dog’s body to provide nutritional support. If the dog suffers from malnutrition and unbalanced nutrition (insufficient vitamins and trace elements), a large amount of abnormal hair loss will occur.


Pay attention to the balanced nutrition of the dog’s diet. Feed some vegetables to the dog as supplementary food, and also feed some lecithin and trace element tablets to help the hair beautify and supplement hair nutrition.


7. Eating too salty Dogs Shed Hair

The dog’s diet needs to be light. Eating too salty will not only burden the dog’s kidneys for filtration and metabolism but also damage the dog’s skin health, resulting in increased dander and severe hair loss.


choose light and low-salt dog food, pay attention to providing enough water for dogs, and do not feed human food with high salt and high oil!


8. Using the wrong bath products

Many dog owners use soap or human body wash to bathe their dogs. However. Human body washes are more alkaline than dogs’ skin. Causing dry and itchy skin, and allowing mites, bacteria, and fungi to take advantage of them. , form skin diseases and eventually lead to hair loss.

Countermeasures for Dogs Shed Hair:

Choose a dog-specific bath liquid. A good body wash may protect your dog’s fur, reduce the amount of shedding, and prevent skin diseases.


9. Take a bath too often

Dog owners are too worry about the hygiene of their dogs, and they often bathe their dogs which destroys or reduces the secretions that protect the dog’s skin. Resulting in a reduction in the protection of the dog’s skin and severe hair loss.


Don’t bathe too often. It is recommend to bathe your dog once a month. If you wash too little, the dog’s hair will be very dirty. If you wash too much, it will destroy the protective layer on the dog’s skin. The skin hair does not do any good. Keep the dog’s skin surface with enough sebum to moisturize and prevent the skin from being too dry. Dry off after bathing. Drying the dog’s body is the most important thing after every bath. The damp coat can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria. And it is even more important to wipe it dry quickly when it is wet by rain.

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