Why Do Dogs Stick Heads Out of Cars’ Windows?

Nowadays, more and more people keep pets. Some pet owners will drive their pet dogs to travel on weekends, go out see and play, and they are very happy. Friends of dogs often take their dogs in the car when they go out. Pet owners will find that dogs always like to stick their heads out of the window. Why Do Dogs Stick Heads Out of Cars’ Windows?

In fact, there will be a contrast between the dog’s performance in the car and the usual behavior at home. When riding in the car, it is easy to be restless, because dogs are prone to anxiety in areas, they are not familiar with. Dogs are animals and have a sense of territory. The environment has changed, and it is a closed and cramped environment again, and one will become restless and restless.

Moreover, the car is moving, and road noise, wind noise, and noisy sounds outside the car will all affect the dog, causing the dog to feel nervous and uncomfortable. The dog can also clearly perceive the vibration of the car, coupled with its very sensitive sense of smell, the various smells in the car and the smell of gasoline will intensify the tension of the dog, and may even make the dog feel uncomfortable. Even cause motion sickness in dogs.

Therefore, the environment inside the car is strange and uncomfortable environment for dogs, and the dog will have the urge to escape. If the car window is open, Dogs always like to Stick Heads Out of Cars’ windows.

Dogs always like to Stick Heads Out of Cars window. In addition to the above reasons, there may be the following five reasons.

The first reason Why Do Dogs Stick Heads Out of Cars’ windows: to perceive things

When we human beings arrive at a new place, we will try our best to look around and see what is around us. This kind of behavior of us is actually perceiving and perceiving things around us so that we can better survive in this area. This is our subconscious behavior. The same is true for dogs, they also perceive things, especially when they arrive in a new place, they can’t wait to perceive the things around them, also for the sake of their own safety. However, the difference is that we humans mostly use our eyes to perceive things, while dogs use their noses. They will stick it out of the window, Use a dog nose to smell the smell outside the car, and the smell outside will feed back all the outside information to it.

The second reason: Too much curiosity

Cats are very curious, but they are too timid, especially when they are in the car, they will feel uneasy when their limbs are not on the ground. In this case, they will just lie down obediently and definitely don’t stick it out the window. Dogs are different, their hearts are too big, they don’t care about these things, and they also have a very strong curiosity, they are very curious and courageous, so they will try to stick their heads out of the window, they just want to know what is going on outside. What are the things? After knowing what’s out there, that is, after their curiosity has been satisfied, they will consciously stretch it back.

The Third Reason: Fear

Of course, dogs always stick their heads out of the window when they are in a car, and it may be that they are afraid, so they will behave. So, what are they afraid of? At this point, everyone can actually understand it after thinking about it. When the car is running, the various parts of the car will make certain sounds, some of which are loud enough for us humans to hear, but some of which are so small that only dogs can hear them. When dogs hear these sounds, they will feel fear and fear because they are not familiar with these sounds. Especially when they are in the car, the sound is coming from all around, it will give them a feeling that they are surrounded by ‘danger’, so they stick it out of the window, they just try to I want to put myself in a safer environment.

The fourth reason: motion sickness

Just like us humans, some dogs also get motion sickness after sitting in the car for a long time. They can’t take motion sickness medicine, and they can’t effectively tell their owners what happened to their bodies and where they feel uncomfortable, so what should they do? Take it easy and trust them. Most dogs are very capable of self-rescue. If they feel uncomfortable in the car, they will find a way to relieve their discomfort. Sticking their heads out of the window, just like us humans, to breathe the fresh air outside is one of the best ways to relieve motion sickness.

The fifth reason: heat dissipation

Dogs are very sensitive to the environment. If they feel uncomfortable, they will find ways to alleviate their discomfort. Most animals do this in order to survive. The reason why dogs stick their heads out of the window has a lot to do with their feeling of lack of oxygen and heat. The interior space of a car is airtight. The oxygen content will gradually decrease. And the temperature will gradually increase over time. , in this case, the dog will feel very uncomfortable. And sticking your head out of the window to breathe fresh air. Sticking out your tongue, emitting your own heat, etc., can relieve your discomfort very well.

In addition, pet owners should pay attention to some things. If you drive with your pet dog at home. You’d better make some preparations to ensure that the dog’s body and mind are normal in the car. Pets mainly bring enough food and water. Because drivers may not be able to buy these things at any time, and if driving at high speed. These things are more difficult to buy, so preparing in advance is the kingly way. In addition, it is best for the pet owner to bring the dog’s favorite toy into the car. The dog’s energy is strong. And the toy can make it play well in the car without disturbing the people in the car., especially the driver!

The most important point is that when the dog is in the car. We also need to equip the dog with a dog seat belt or a dog-fixed rope for the dog. So as to prevent us from unexpected situations on the road. Such as sudden braking, and there is no dog safety belt. If it is worn, it may cause injury or even be life-threatening to the dog. Pets are one of our family members. Therefore, Degao Pet Supplies recommends that pet owners should equip their dear pets with pet-specific safety belts. Dog safety belts, or cat safety belts when they go out with their pets. Appropriate security protection.

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